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The Mole / MUTEK_10 Tour, Vancouver / 18/04/09

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The Mole is all love and soul creating the best in funky beats and hip shaking. After a long wait in the line outside the Lotus Sound Lounge, I arrived just in time for the last MUTEK_10 tour set with The Mole. The Mole never disappoints and was in fine form. This guy channels divine love and lets it radiate through those in his presence. I appreciate the way he helps me embrace my inner bliss and allows me to be free to feel all the love around.

The Mole gave the west coast a sense of what they’re serving up at MUTEK in Montréal this year. He delivered the goods with what he does best starting with a wee bit of blues threading through his heavy layered disco house beats. He enjoys and feeds off the crowd with mutual admiration and love. I've been grinning all day from his spectacular performance and crowd shaking energy.

**Thanks to my great friend Ang Ready for this Vancouver MUTEK review!

Diana Cooper

efdemin + lawrence / dial label night, amsterdam / 27/03/09
part 1
part 2

Katharina Grosse

guido moebius / gebirge / karaoke kalk

dj t / the inner jukebox / get physical

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